People spend most of their lives worrying about things that never happen.
Wait, Richard! Seriously? You abandoned this blog and photography, like an old sock, for several years, and in your first post after years of silence, you start with a quote from Molière?! How terribly cliché…
Well, maybe…
Still, I admit that while working on this photo (at least 5 minutes of post-production), this quote kept coming to my mind.
In my professional and personal life, I have to deal with this overwhelming and constant pressure on my shoulders. This feeling of a continuous cycle of anxieties that appear out of thin air (often at night around 3 am), which disappear after a few days (because it’s often just… well… anxieties …), but unfortunately, my space of tranquility is quickly confronted with new worries that take over relentlessly.
All of this is probably just an excuse for doing nothing…